Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Don't Kiss Butt

Don't Kiss Butt. This is opposite of Nike's infamous slogan "Just Do It." If you are overly friendly, as if you are the shareholder/partner’s new best friend, when in fact you just met him or her, your friendliness will be interpreted as butt kissing, even though that is not how it was intended. Remember, in all of your communications, it is not your intended message which matters, it is how your message is received. Be clear on what is important—doing quality legal work is the most impressive thing you can do from a shareholder/partner’s perspective. Respecting that shareholder/partner is the second thing. This means being quiet when the shareholder/partner speaks i.e., not trying to speak over him or her; telling him or her that you appreciate constructive feedback, even if your pride is hurt; and executing the tasks you are given in a thorough and efficient manner. Here is a tip: Argue with the Shareholder from the outside. Instead of saying, "we will lose the Motion for Summary Judgment because there are factual issues about whether the light was red or green," say it like this, "What is the opposing attorney [or judge] claims there are issues of fact about whether the light was red or green." You will find the response and attitude of the Shareholder will be night and day depending on how the issue is presented.

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