Saturday, June 27, 2009

What to say to people

When you go to an event, please
1--Have 20 business cards within easy reach (eg shirt pocket or purse). Hand out business cards to the people at the table.
2--find out the names of the other people at the table and get their business cards.
3--Start a conversation by asking them about themselves:
     a--How long have you lived in Las Vegas?
     b--Where are you from?
     c--Why did you move here (or what brought you to LV?)
     d--What kind of work do you do?
4--wear a badge with your name and firm on it. 
5--dress like you are going to a jury trial I.e., 
       Men: wear a suit & tie
       Women: wear jewelry and dress appropriately (this is hard to describe-- court, wedding, etc.)

Sit around very long with friends or co-workers and just talk to them!

AND--NEVER ask women if they are pregnant or "How long before delivery". Ask my friend, Al Marquis, "Why?" for more info on this issue.

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