Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cross selling estate planning - What do you say to a client?

What do you say if a client asks you "Why do I need a trust?"

Here is a script [use CASE acronym]:

The benefits of a trust are:

1-Confidential-your will & property are not public record
2-Age control-you can give 1/3 to your child at 18, 1/2 the balance at 25 and the balance at 30. If you don't have a trust, the child gets it all at 18.
3-Save money-the cost of probate is about 5% of your estate. For about $2,000 you save 5% of the value of your estate because no probate is needed.
4-Estate taxes-if the client is married, there is an estate tax saving.

Tell the client "Trusts and estate planning are not my specialty, but I can have _______ our expert call you & answer your questions?"

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