Keywords When Summarizing a Deposition. Just kidding. Summarizing a deposition is not fun. However, I don't know how someone can
summarize a deposition without a list of keywords. Keywords are the elements of a cause of
action, background, credibility, etc. You can use a table to enter your summary
or you can insert a keyword at the beginning of each statement in the
deposition that you want summarized. This groups all facts relating to each element of your case. These two methods are explained below.
Using Paragraphs to Sort Keywords in Word 2007. Here is a typical deposition summary. The keyword is first. The summary is next. Then the page and line numbers are in
Entity, Bob is the
president of four corporations: Noma
Group, Noma Properties, Noma Management, and Noma Construction and Development
Agency. Ed Toma was
President before (3/14).
Assent. Bob never saw the
Joint Check Agreement before (5/14).
Agency. The Joint Check
Agreement "appears to be" signed by Mr. Toma's secretary, Sherry
Agency. Noma Construction
and Development was the operating entity that ordinarily signed these kind of
joint check agreements (10/23).
Consideration. Bob doesn't
remember if Plaintiff's equipment went into Defendant's project (11/23).
Assent. Bob has no way of
knowing if Phase II meant the 2nd cul de sac (12/16).
Select all, then
Home, then paragraph then sort then makes sure the box says “sort by
paragraph,” Text and Ascending—then click ok
You will get this
Agency. Ed Toma was
President before (3/14).
Agency. Noma Construction
and Development was the operating entity that ordinarily signed these kind of
joint check agreements (10/23).
Agency. The Joint Check
Agreement "appears to be" signed by Mr. Toma's secretary, Sherry
Assent. Bob has no way of knowing
if Phase II meant the 2nd cul de sac (12/16).
Assent. Bob never saw the
Joint Check Agreement before (5/14).
Consideration. Bob doesn't
remember if Plaintiff's equipment went into Defendant's project (11/23).
Entity, Bob is the
president of four corporations: Noma
Group, Noma Properties, Noma Management, and Noma Construction and Development
Using a 3-column Table to Sort Keywords in
Word 2007. This doesn’t take special
software. You can use a 3-column table
in Word or you can just put the keyword as the first word in a paragraph and
then sort the paragraphs alphabetically.
Then click A-->Z Sort